PHP Basics
- Introduction to web Technology
- Introduction to HTML5 and CSS
- PHP introduction
- PHP syntax
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Variables ,Constants and Array
- PHP Operators and Control Statements if else statement else if statement switch case Loops while do while for foreach
PHP Form
- HTML Form
- Form elements
- HTTP verbs and methods
- File Upload
- Form handling with file upload
- Super global Variables
- $_POST,
- $_GET,
- $_FILES,
- Session and Cookie
- Implementation of session and cookie in code
PHP Functions
- Introduction
- Types
- Pre-defined /In-built
- User defined/ Custom o Function parameters (With or without and conditional parameters)
- Arguments by value and reference
- Returning values from a function
- Working with Some useful functions
- Date and time
- include and require
- Templating using include and require
- Introduction To Database
- What is RDBMS technology?
- Understanding Database, Tables, Fields
- Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Using Database Management tools (phpMyAdmin/ MySQL Workbench etc.) to handle database
- Creating and managing database
- Selecting Database
- Creating Tables
- Auto Increment and Indexing a columns in tables
- Inserting Data into tables in different ways via query
- Updating Data and Table Structure
- Selecting from table in different ways
- Deleting tables and drop database
Object Oriented PHP -Constructs
- Introduction to oop
- Creating and Defining Class in PHP
- Instantiating a class
- Constructors and Destructors
- Class constants
- Attributes and methods
- Member visibility: Access Modifiers / Specifiers
- Inheritance
- Overrides
- OOP Keywords (Class Autoload, Static & Final Keywords)
- Preventing a Class from Inheritance( final keyword)
- Exceptions
Object Oriented Implementation and MVC
- Modules (Modularizing a web Application)
- File structure / Code file organization
- Design pattern and Introduction
- The singleton Patterns
- The factory Design patterns
- Model / View /Controller Design Pattern implementations
Database Operations Advanced Topics
- Creating Primary, Index and Unique Keys
- Primary Key, Foreign Key Relationship and Mapping
- Maintaining Foreign Key Constraints
- Joins and Types of JOINS with examples
- Prepared Statements o PHP Data Objects (PDO)
- Transactions
- Patterns in database design
PHP Standards
- Basic Coding Standards (PSR1, PSR2)
- Logger Interface and Standard
- Autoloading and autoloading standard
- Caching interface and standard
- Messaging interface and standard
Web Services
- Web Services
- Data Formats
- Parsing APIs
- Introduction to RESTFUL Services
- Handling JSON in php o Parsing JSON
- JSON encoding / decoding
Try / Catch Exception Handling
- Using Try & Catch blocks
- The Exception Object
- Multiple Catch Blocks
- Default Exception processing
Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
- PHP Error Handling
- Error Logging and Reporting
- Creating Custom Error Handlers
- Suppressing Errors
- PHP Debugging Methods
- Using Debugging Tools (xdebug)
- Creating Conditional Debug Code
JavaScript And JQuery Basics
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Data types, operators, conditions
- Events, function
- Array and Objects
- jQuery Syntax, Events
- Some jQuery functions
- jQuery Syntax and Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery Selectors and Traversing
- jQuery Custom Functions
- jQuery load, get, post
- jQuery Ajax
Web apis
- Social Media apis
- Facebook
- Google o Email Api (PHP mailer
Trending Tools (GIT version control system basics )
- Push content / download
- See version / traverse through older versions
- Composer files
- Composer.phar
- Composer.json
- Important composer commands
- The “vendor” directory
NPM & Bower
- Package Management Tool For Web
Project Work
- News portal website using OOP
Installing and setting up Larval and Supporting Tools
- Introduction to Laravel
- Concept of Composer
- Install & Use of Composer
- Installing Laravel using composer
- Install & Use of open source distributed version control system GIT
- Concept & Use of gitlab for hosting GIT repositories
- Configuring Laravel
- Project Structure
- Setting up Development and Debugging Tools
Laravel Architectural Concept
- Request Life cycle
- Gives knowledge of how Laravel actually works.
- Facade
- Provides an easy way of accessing application class and libraries.
- Service Providers in Laravel
- Service providers are the central place of all Laravel application bootstrapping
- Basic Routing
- Named Routing
- Grouped Routing
- Routing Parameters
- Handling Invalid Routes
- Route filtering with Middleware
- Restful Routing
- Introduction
- Basic Controllers
- Restful Resource Controllers
- Controller Routing
- Controller Middleware
- Handling Request Info.
- Request Inputs
- Form Inputs
- Old Inputs
- Files
- Attach Headers and Cookie to response
- Response with View
- Response with JSON
- Response with File
- Introduction
- Migration
- Schema Building
- Migration Structure
- Running Migration
- Writing Migration
- Seeding
- Database Configuration
- Running Raw SQL queries
- Eloquent ORM
- Defining Model
- Retrieving Model
- Insert & Update Model
- Deleting Model
- Eloquent Relationship
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- Passing data to view
- Sharing data to all views
- Blade Template Engine
- Introduction
- Template Inheritance
- Displaying Data
- Implement Control Structures
Laravel Forms & HTML Component ~ Laravel Collective
- Installation
- Generating form
- CSRF Protection
- Form Elements
- Labels
- Text, Text Area, Password & Hidden Fields
- Check-boxes and Radio Buttons
- File Input
- Number Input
- Date Input
- Drop-Down Lists
- Buttons
- Custom Form Macros
Laravel Services o Authentication our application
- Authentication our application
- Authorization using Policies ~ Role based panel access
- Introduction
- Configuring Auth Library
- Creating authentication system using Middleware
- Artisan Console
- Exception Handling and Error Logging
- Mail
- Configuring & sending mail
- Pagination
- Session
- Validation
- Validation approaches
- Validation Rules with associating messages
- Custom Rules with associating custom messages
- Laravel Socialite ~ Registrtion & Login with 3rd party ( FB, Google, Github etc )
- WebPack ~ Building assets
Restful API with Laravel
- Concept of API, why and scope of implementation
- Restful API setup, Basic project
- Tools ~ Postman Tool
Web Services and Web Hosting
- CPanel
- Introduction to FTP
- How to use FileZilla, CPanel with examples
Project Work
- E-commerce Website with Multi-vendor concept